Mombasa Golden Burst Tarantula

This spider was first described by Pocock in 1897 and is a native of  Eastern Africa. It can be frequently found around Kenya and Mombasa  where is can be found in rudimentary silk lined burrows. It is also  found in shanty towns where it feeds on cockroaches.


The abdomen is described by Andrew Smith as 'An attractive tweed-like mixture of yellowish/olive/brown hairs'. He continues 'The long hairs on the abdomen have a distinct mustardy tinge.'

The legs have distinct white tufts of hairs on all leg joints with yellow striating lines running down the legs.



They are very protective and will strike any time anything gets near.



It will they a egg sack and the egg sack will stay in the web intill


These are heavy web spinners and will cover their cages with thick swathes of web, even making their own retreat. Although these spiders  are obligate burrows one of my own specimens spends most of its time in  the web tubes it has spun in the plastic foliage that decorate its cage.