Marine Otter

             The marine otter is found in the temperate and tropical coastal waters on the Pacific coast of South America, from northern Peru, along the coast of Chile all the way to the southern tip of South America in Cape Horn. There is a very small remnant population in Argentina in the east coast of Tierra del Fuego. They have been introduced to the Falkland Islands by people intending to raise them for fur, and although rare, they still exist in small numbers here.

             Their range does not extend farther north than 6° S, and not much further south than 53° S. In addition to being the otter with the most southerly range, they are the only otter in the genus Lontra that is found exclusively in a marine habitat. They tend to inhabit areas where there are rocky outcroppings and strong winds. They have avoided spreading to the eastern coast because they prefer the rocky coast where their favorite prey like to hide in, and avoid the sandy beaches.

Feeding Habits

             Though they are primarily aquatic, they will range for up to 100 ft inland. They rest in the dense, poor-soil loving plants that thrive along the coast. They usually stay within the tidal zone, which is 6-8 ft offshore, but will go out as far as 500 m when hunting. Most of their time is spent in the shore.

             The marine otter feeds on a variety of marine life. The majority of their diet consists of crustaceans, molluscs, and fish. They avoid the abundant echinoderms (starfish, sea urchins, etc). Freshwater prawns are a favorite of theirs, and they will swim inland in freshwater streams far above sea level to catch them. Sea birds and small mammals are occasionally taken. When it is in season, they will eat the fruit of coastal bromeliad plants.


          There is not much known about the reproductive habits of this species, so a lot is speculated. There is also a lot of disagreement between observers, since there is not much data. The marine otter seems to be a monogamous species, but polygamy can occur in areas of high prey densities. Mating season is in december and January (which is summer in the southern hemisphere). Births occur from January to March, with the cubs being born in the dens. If the cubs have been lost, there is no evidence that the female will remate that season, instead waiting until next summer. Cubs remain with their parents for 10 months. Both parents help to care for the cubs, bringing food to the den and teaching them to hunt. The parents will transport their cubs by carring them in their mouths or swim on their backs with the cubs resting on their belly.